Thursday, October 30, 2008
Welcome new ally !-SkY-Blacknote*be good to them .
New Members of the day !-SR-DisasterCongratz to -SR-Disaster && -SR- Shyn for coupling!!! Stay sweet uhhs !loves,
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Hellos all.
To all members:Our ally
-FiP- guild is organising an
outing on 1st nov ata kovan. It is sort of halloween party. If
any of euu wants to go tell -SR-xLEEN. Then can ask them wat to bring this all.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Some screenshot of today. :D

Thursday, October 23, 2008
-SR-Xia0wa has leave the guild due to some personal reason. :D
Wish all the best to here.
To all tester:Pls try to recruit as more as euu can.
To all members:All the GMs will be sitting for o lvl on 24, 30 oct && 5 nov. Thus, we may be inactive for the time being. :D To membes sitting for O's good luck && jiayous for all papers.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
WELCOME OF NEW ALLYING!-AI--STM-pls be nice to them uhhs. :D
Sunday, October 19, 2008
WELCOME NEWW ALLY!-TX-* be good to them!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Welcome new members of today!-SR-Flar3**Pls treat new members well. :F
To all testers:-SR-PEACE is currently MIA due to having camps. && there is a
new testers -SR-Shyn. She will start to recruit ppl nxt week onwards. :D
&& pls note that in a recruit room there must be at least 2 tester to carry out the test. :D
Thursday, October 16, 2008
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS!--SR-Applez--SR-Jasmine-SR-Xia0wa
To fam members:I hae notice that mostly all of euu are inactive. PLS REMEMBER in order to be in FAM euu must very very active! If euu continue to be inactiove. I'm sorry but to kick euu out of FAM and let others to join.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pls be good to them :D
Monday, October 13, 2008
Welcome new member of the day!-SR-Crowns. :D
To all tester:Try to recruit as many as possible. :D
From what I heard from -SR-Star. -SR0Sky may want to organise an guild outing.
MAYBE! Thus, furthur details may be given if there is really a guild outin. :D
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Welcome our new members!-SR-xDancer-SR-NATHAN-SR-XSuNX--xsotongg, _B0mBA_ , xXiaO_jlm, ~TWD~crowns:
Pls change ur NAME ASAP!!!
By monday if name are not changed. I'm sorry but euu have to retake the test if euu want to join. :X
Friday, October 10, 2008
Welcome our new allies!-AWE- && -CBNB-** Pls respect && be nice to all our allies.-SR-PEACE has passed the tester test. She will start to recruit people from tmr onwards. All tested pls take note of it. :D
To those member who decided to join and yet to change name:
Pls be inform that
Those names highlighted in red have already exceed 4days. Pls tag at the board if euu had changed or wanted to extend. For extension of time euu will be given for at most 2days only. loves,-SR-xLEEN
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Welcome ally of the day!
SHE&HE!To new members:Pls start to changed ur name already. As euu are given 4 days to change. If euu have change ur name.
PLS TAG AT THE BLOG SO THAT WE CAN UPDATE!!!!!For tmr tester test,
-SR-PEACE && -X3LINKEDHIM meet me at free 12 at 8pm sharp. Try not be late. If cannot make it. Pls tag at the board. THANKS!
&& to all tester again:Pls note that the requirements has been changed again! Sorry for keepin changing it at all times.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
hello all!
J3FFR3Y has kindly donated our fam 600,000 dens due to his own willingness. :D Thanks for the donation. "D
Welcome our new member of the day, -SR-PEACE! :D
There will be a tester test for -SR-PEACE. Pls meet me at free 12 at 8pm. I will test euu personally. :D
Due to FAM recuritment, the GMs have not yet decide who are allowed to join yet. Thus, pls stop asking that euu wanna join the FAM! The list will be out soon. PLS BE PATIENT TO WAIT!
To some members who want to know the the requirements.
Requirements: must be freedom && above, donate at least 100k per month. MUST BE VERY ACTIVE!
The requirement has been changed again. It will start tmr onwards. Pls stick to the old requirements for today! :D
-SR-xLEEN <33
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
hello all!!!
Few things to post today. -SR- have create a FAM today. FAM name is
x--SR--x. hahas. People who can join will be update the next post. :D
Our new ally for today is
-FL-! Lets welcome them. :D
&& also welcome our new member
**To all current tester. hahas. well done all. Lets contiune to recurit more so that we can test some of them to be tester. Thus, we will not have to much time spend for recuriting. :Dloves,-SR-xLEEN <3
Monday, October 6, 2008
Welcome Our New Allies!!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
-SR- GUILD IS CREATED! Our target is to recurit 30 ppl!!! :DDDD